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Created July 26, 2010 16:21
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Import Yahoo GeoPlanet data into PostgreSQL.
-- Schema and import for Yahoo GeoPlanet data into a PostgreSQL database.
iso VARCHAR(6),
name TEXT,
language VARCHAR(6),
place_type VARCHAR(15),
parent_woe_id VARCHAR(15)
CREATE TABLE aliases (
woe_id VARCHAR(15),
name TEXT,
name_type VARCHAR(6),
language VARCHAR(6),
FOREIGN KEY (woe_id) REFERENCES places (woe_id)
CREATE TABLE adjacencies (
woe_id VARCHAR(15),
iso VARCHAR(6),
neighbour_woe_id VARCHAR(15),
neighbour_iso VARCHAR(6),
FOREIGN KEY (woe_id) REFERENCES places (woe_id),
FOREIGN KEY (neighbour_woe_id) REFERENCES places (woe_id)
COPY places (woe_id, iso, name, language, place_type, parent_woe_id) FROM '/tmp/geoplanet_places_7.5.2.tsv' WITH DELIMITER E'\t' CSV HEADER;
COPY aliases (woe_id, name, name_type, language) FROM '/tmp/geoplanet_aliases_7.5.2.tsv' WITH DELIMITER E'\t' CSV HEADER;
COPY adjacencies (woe_id, iso, neighbour_woe_id, neighbour_iso) FROM '/tmp/geoplanet_adjacencies_7.5.2.tsv' WITH DELIMITER E'\t' CSV HEADER;
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