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Last active June 28, 2022 04:49
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concurrent map
#!/usr/bin/env python3
./ [nproc [min [max]]
./ 2 -10 100
- all input is read immediately
- iteration stops on exception
import concurrent.futures
import sys
import time
def my_func(i):
time.sleep((abs(i) % 4) / 10.0)
return 10.0 / i
def my_get_work(min_, max_):
for i in range(min_, max_):
print('my_get_work: {}'.format(i))
yield i
# CLI.
argv_len = len(sys.argv)
if argv_len > 1:
nthreads = int(sys.argv[1])
if nthreads == 0:
nthreads = None
nthreads = None
if argv_len > 2:
min_ = int(sys.argv[2])
min_ = 1
if argv_len > 3:
max_ = int(sys.argv[3])
max_ = 100
# Action.
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nthreads) as executor:
for input, output in zip(
my_get_work(min_, max_),, my_get_work(min_, max_))
print('result: {} {}'.format(input, output))
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Union
import os
import queue
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
class ThreadPoolExitException(Exception):
An object of this class may be raised by output_handler_function to
request early termination.
It is also raised by submit() if submit_raise_exit=True.
class ThreadPool:
Start a pool of a limited number of threads to do some work.
This is similar to the stdlib concurrent, but I could not find
how to reach all my design goals with that implementation:
* the input function does not need to be modified
* limit the number of threads
* queue sizes closely follow number of threads
* if an exception happens, optionally stop soon afterwards
This class form allows to use your own while loops with submit().
Exit soon after the first failure happens:
python3 2 -10 20 handle_output_print
Sample output:
{'i': -9} -1.1111111111111112 None
{'i': -8} -1.25 None
{'i': -10} -1.0 None
{'i': -6} -1.6666666666666667 None
{'i': -7} -1.4285714285714286 None
{'i': -4} -2.5 None
{'i': -5} -2.0 None
{'i': -2} -5.0 None
{'i': -3} -3.3333333333333335 None
{'i': 0} None ZeroDivisionError('float division by zero')
{'i': -1} -10.0 None
{'i': 1} 10.0 None
{'i': 2} 5.0 None
work_function or handle_output raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 181, in _func_runner
work_function_return = self.work_function(**work_function_input)
File "", line 281, in work_function_maybe_raise
return 10.0 / i
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
work_function_input: {'i': 0}
work_function_return: None
Don't exit after first failure, run until end:
python3 2 -10 20 handle_output_print_no_exit
Store results in a queue for later inspection instead of printing immediately,
then print everything at the end:
python3 2 -10 20 handle_output_queue
Exit soon after the handle_output raise.
python3 2 -10 20 handle_output_raise
Relying on this interface to abort execution is discouraged, this should
usually only happen due to a programming error in the handler.
Test that the argument called "thread_id" is passed to work_function and printed:
python3 2 -10 20 handle_output_print thread_id
Test with, ThreadPoolExitException and submit_raise_exit=True, same behaviour handle_output_print
except for the different exit cause report:
python3 2 -10 20 handle_output_raise_exit_exception
def __init__(
work_function: Callable,
handle_output: Union[Callable[[Any,Any,Exception],Any],None] = None,
nthreads: Union[int,None] = None,
thread_id_arg: Union[str,None] = None,
submit_raise_exit: bool = False
Start in a thread pool immediately.
join() must be called afterwards at some point.
:param work_function: main work function to be evaluated.
:param handle_output: called on work_function return values as they
are returned.
The function signature is:
work_function_input: Union[Dict,None],
work_function_exception: Exception
) -> Union[Exception,None]
where work_function_exception the exception that work_function raised,
or None otherwise
The first non-None return value of a call to this function is returned by
submit(), get_handle_output_result() and join().
The intended semantic for this, is to return:
* on success:
** None to continue execution
** ThreadPoolExitException() to request stop execution
* if work_function_input or work_function_exception raise:
** the exception raised
The ThreadPool user can then optionally terminate execution early on error
or request with either:
* an explicit submit() return value check + break if a submit loop is used
* `with` + submit_raise_exit=True
Default: a handler that just returns `exception`, which can normally be used
by the submit loop to detect an error and exit immediately.
:param nthreads: number of threads to use. Default: nproc.
:param thread_id_arg: if not None, set the argument of work_function with this name
to a 0-indexed thread ID. This allows function calls to coordinate
usage of external resources such as files or ports.
:param submit_raise_exit: if True, submit() raises ThreadPoolExitException() if
get_handle_output_result() is not None.
self.work_function = work_function
if handle_output is None:
handle_output = lambda input, output, exception: exception
self.handle_output = handle_output
if nthreads is None:
nthreads = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
self.thread_id_arg = thread_id_arg
self.submit_raise_exit = submit_raise_exit
self.nthreads = nthreads
self.handle_output_result = None
self.handle_output_result_lock = threading.Lock()
self.in_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=nthreads)
self.threads = []
for i in range(self.nthreads):
thread = threading.Thread(
def __enter__(self):
__exit__ automatically calls join() for you.
This is cool because it automatically ends the loop if an exception occurs.
But don't forget that errors may happen after the last submit was called, so you
likely want to check for that with get_handle_output_result() after the with.
return self
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback):
return exception_type is ThreadPoolExitException
def _func_runner(self, thread_id):
while True:
work_function_input = self.in_queue.get(block=True)
if work_function_input is None:
if self.thread_id_arg is not None:
work_function_input[self.thread_id_arg] = thread_id
work_function_exception = None
work_function_return = self.work_function(**work_function_input)
except Exception as e:
work_function_exception = e
work_function_return = None
handle_output_exception = None
handle_output_return = self.handle_output(
except Exception as e:
handle_output_exception = e
handle_output_result = None
if handle_output_exception is not None:
handle_output_result = handle_output_exception
elif handle_output_return is not None:
handle_output_result = handle_output_return
if handle_output_result is not None and self.handle_output_result is None:
with self.handle_output_result_lock:
self.handle_output_result = (
def exception_traceback_string(exception):
Helper to get the traceback from an exception object.
This is usually what you want to print if an error happens in a thread:
return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(
None, exception, exception.__traceback__)
def get_handle_output_result(self):
:return: if a handle_output call has raised previously, return a tuple:
(work_function_input, work_function_return, exception_raised)
corresponding to the first such raise.
Otherwise, if a handle_output returned non-None, a tuple:
(work_function_input, work_function_return, handle_output_return)
Otherwise, None.
return self.handle_output_result
def join(self):
Request all threads to stop after they finish currently submitted work.
:return: same as get_handle_output_result()
for thread in range(self.nthreads):
for thread in self.threads:
return self.get_handle_output_result()
def submit(
work_function_input: Union[Dict,None] =None
Submit work. Block if there is already enough work scheduled (~nthreads).
:return: the same as get_handle_output_result
handle_output_result = self.get_handle_output_result()
if handle_output_result is not None and self.submit_raise_exit:
raise ThreadPoolExitException()
if work_function_input is None:
work_function_input = {}
return handle_output_result
if __name__ == '__main__':
def get_work(min_, max_):
Generate simple range work for work_function.
for i in range(min_, max_):
yield {'i': i}
def work_function_maybe_raise(i):
The main function that will be evaluated.
It sleeps to simulate an IO operation.
time.sleep((abs(i) % 4) / 10.0)
return 10.0 / i
def work_function_get_thread(i, thread_id):
time.sleep((abs(i) % 4) / 10.0)
return thread_id
def handle_output_print(input, output, exception):
Print outputs and exit immediately on failure.
print('{!r} {!r} {!r}'.format(input, output, exception))
return exception
def handle_output_print_no_exit(input, output, exception):
Print outputs, don't exit on failure.
print('{!r} {!r} {!r}'.format(input, output, exception))
out_queue = queue.Queue()
def handle_output_queue(input, output, exception):
Store outputs in a queue for later usage.
global out_queue
out_queue.put((input, output, exception))
return exception
def handle_output_raise(input, output, exception):
Raise if input == 0, to test that execution
stops nicely if this raises.
print('{!r} {!r} {!r}'.format(input, output, exception))
if input['i'] == 0:
raise Exception
def handle_output_raise_exit_exception(input, output, exception):
Return a ThreadPoolExitException() if input == -5.
Return the work_function exception if it raised.
print('{!r} {!r} {!r}'.format(input, output, exception))
if exception:
return exception
if output == 10.0 / -5:
return ThreadPoolExitException()
# CLI arguments.
argv_len = len(sys.argv)
if argv_len > 1:
nthreads = int(sys.argv[1])
if nthreads == 0:
nthreads = None
nthreads = None
if argv_len > 2:
min_ = int(sys.argv[2])
min_ = 1
if argv_len > 3:
max_ = int(sys.argv[3])
max_ = 100
if argv_len > 4:
handle_output_funtion_string = sys.argv[4]
handle_output_funtion_string = 'handle_output_print'
handle_output = eval(handle_output_funtion_string)
if argv_len > 5:
work_function = work_function_get_thread
thread_id_arg = sys.argv[5]
work_function = work_function_maybe_raise
thread_id_arg = None
# Action.
if handle_output is handle_output_raise_exit_exception:
# `with` version with implicit join and submit raise
# immediately when desired with ThreadPoolExitException.
# This is the more safe and convenient and DRY usage if
# you can use `with`, so prefer it generally.
with ThreadPool(
) as my_thread_pool:
for work in get_work(min_, max_):
handle_output_result = my_thread_pool.get_handle_output_result()
# Explicit error checking in submit loop to exit immediately
# on error.
my_thread_pool = ThreadPool(
for work_function_input in get_work(min_, max_):
handle_output_result = my_thread_pool.submit(work_function_input)
if handle_output_result is not None:
handle_output_result = my_thread_pool.join()
if handle_output_result is not None:
work_function_input, work_function_return, exception = handle_output_result
if type(exception) is ThreadPoolExitException:
print('Early exit requested by handle_output with ThreadPoolExitException:')
print('work_function or handle_output raised:')
print(ThreadPool.exception_traceback_string(exception), end='')
print('work_function_input: {!r}'.format(work_function_input))
print('work_function_return: {!r}'.format(work_function_return))
if handle_output == handle_output_queue:
while not out_queue.empty():
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