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ssmaroju / SparkGrep.scala
Created March 16, 2016 19:36 — forked from mhausenblas/SparkGrep.scala
Scala Spark skeleton implementing grep
package spark.example
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
object SparkGrep {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 3) {
System.err.println("Usage: SparkGrep <host> <input_file> <match_term>")
D3 - Data Driven Documents
low level library to display/manipulate data in HTML/CSS & SVG
API Ref:
D3 Plus - D3 Extension plugin
Fabric - HTML5 Canvas library
// This is the core Javascript code for
// I haven't done a full open source release, but I figured I'd put the most important
// D3 code out there for people to learn from.
/** Common wind rose code **/
// Function to draw a single arc for the wind rose
// Input: Drawing options object containing
// width: degrees of width to draw (ie 5 or 15)
// from: integer, inner radius
ssmaroju / gauge.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07 — forked from tomerd/gauge.js
function Gauge(placeholderName, configuration)
this.placeholderName = placeholderName;
var self = this; // for internal d3 functions
this.configure = function(configuration)
this.config = configuration;
ssmaroju / gauge.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07 — forked from tomerd/gauge.js
function Gauge(placeholderName, configuration)
this.placeholderName = placeholderName;
var self = this; // for internal d3 functions
this.configure = function(configuration)
this.config = configuration;
ssmaroju / gauge.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06 — forked from tomerd/gauge.js
function Gauge(placeholderName, configuration)
this.placeholderName = placeholderName;
var self = this; // for internal d3 functions
this.configure = function(configuration)
this.config = configuration;

The range sliders at the top change the values for the force-directed algorithm and the buttons load new graphs and apply various techniques. This will hopefully serve as a tool for teaching network analysis and visualization principles during my Gephi courses and general Networks in the Humanities presentations.

Notice this includes a pretty straightforward way to load CSV node and edge lists as exported from Gephi.

It also includes a pathfinding algorithm built for the standard data structure of force-directed networks in D3. This requires the addition of .id attributes for the nodes, however.

Now with Clustering Coefficients!

Also, it loads images for nodes but the images are not in the gist. The code also refers to different network types but the data files on Gist only refer to the transportation network.

// This is the core Javascript code for
// I haven't done a full open source release, but I figured I'd put the most important
// D3 code out there for people to learn from.
/** Common wind rose code **/
// Function to draw a single arc for the wind rose
// Input: Drawing options object containing
// width: degrees of width to draw (ie 5 or 15)
// from: integer, inner radius
// This is the core Javascript code for
// I haven't done a full open source release, but I figured I'd put the most important
// D3 code out there for people to learn from.
/** Common wind rose code **/
// Function to draw a single arc for the wind rose
// Input: Drawing options object containing
// width: degrees of width to draw (ie 5 or 15)
// from: integer, inner radius
// This is the core Javascript code for
// I haven't done a full open source release, but I figured I'd put the most important
// D3 code out there for people to learn from.
/** Common wind rose code **/
// Function to draw a single arc for the wind rose
// Input: Drawing options object containing
// width: degrees of width to draw (ie 5 or 15)
// from: integer, inner radius