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Last active November 10, 2023 11:33
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An ANTLR4 grammar for TAT
grammar TAT;
// Lexer Rules
fragment Num: '0'..'9';
Integer: ('1'..'9')Num+ | Num;
Float: Integer '.' Integer;
fragment Char: 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z';
BinOp1: '*' | '/';
BinOp2: '+' | '-';
BinOp3: '>' | '<' | '!==' | '===';
UnOp: '+' | '-' | '!';
BraceL: '{';
BraceR: '}';
ID: Char(Char | Integer)*;
STR: '"' .*? '"';
WHITESPACE: [ \r\t\n]+ -> skip;
fragment NEWLINE: ('\r' | '\n')+;
INLINE_COMMENT: ('//' .*? NEWLINE) -> skip;
// Syntax Rules
// 1. Value World
// 1.1 Value-level Literals
string_literal: STR;
number_literal: Integer | Float;
boolean_literal: 'true' | 'false';
// 1.2 Value Basics
program: stmt* EOF;
id: ID;
// 1.2.1 Expressions
unary_op: BinOp2;
| expr BinOp1 expr
| expr BinOp2 expr
| expr BinOp3 expr
| unary_op expr
| object_literal
| array_literal
| number_literal
| string_literal
| boolean_literal
| id
| arrow_function
| '(' expr ')'
| expr ('<' type_arguments '>')? '(' function_arguments ')'
// 1.2.2 Statments
stmt: expr ';'
| return_statement ';'
| function_declaration
| variable_declaration ';'
| type_declaration
| if_stmt
| BraceL stmt* BraceR
if_stmt: 'if' '(' expr ')' stmt ('else' stmt)*;
return_statement: 'return' expr;
// 1.3 Composite Structures
variable_declaration: 'const' ID ':' type_annotation '=' expr; // only one variable supported
function_declaration: 'function' ID '(' function_parameters? ')' ':' type_annotation '{' stmt* '}';
arrow_function: '(' function_parameters ')' '=>' stmt;
function_parameters: function_parameter_item (',' function_parameter_item)* ','?;
function_parameter_item: id ':' type_annotation;
function_arguments: function_argument_item (',' function_argument_item)* ','?;
function_argument_item: expr;
array_literal: '[' array_elements ']' | '[]';
array_elements: expr (',' expr)*;
object_literal: '{' (object_property (',' object_property)*)? '}';
object_property: property_name ':' expr;
property_name: string_literal number_literal | ID;
// 2. Type World
// 2.1 Type-level Literals
type_literal: number_literal | object_literal | boolean_literal;
// 2.2 Type Basics
type_annotation: type_expr;
| '(' type_expr ')'
| type_expr '[]' // convenient constructing for an Array type
| type_literal
| function_type
| ID // id could also be a type
| type_expr '<' type_arguments '>'
| type_expr 'extends' type_expr '?' type_expr ':' type_expr
// 2.3 Type-level Composite Structures
function_type: ('<' type_parameters '>')? '(' function_parameters ')' '=>' type_expr;
type_declaration: 'type' ID ('<' type_parameters '>')? '=' type_expr;
type_parameters: type_parameter_item (',' type_parameter_item)* ','?;
type_parameter_item: ID ('extends' type_expr)?;
type_arguments: type_argument_item (',' type_argument_item)* ','?;
type_argument_item: type_expr;
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