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Last active May 11, 2016 00:58
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var Benchmark = require('benchmark');
var ndarray = require('ndarray');
var sums = require('./numeric-sums.js');
// var mean = 2;
var k = 0.1;
var mag = 100000;
function randomVector (n) {
var v = new Float64Array(n);
var i = n;
while (i--) {
v[i] = k;
return ndarray(v, [n]);
var n = 1000000;
var A = randomVector(n);
var suite = new Benchmark.Suite('Vector Summation');
suite.add('Pairwise summation', function () {
var sum = sums.asumPair(A);
.add('Kahan summation', function () {
var sum = sums.asumKahan(A);
.add('Naive summation', function () {
var sum = sums.asumSerial(A);
.on('cycle', function (event) {
.on('complete', function () {
console.log(' ');
console.log('Fastest function is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name') + '.');
console.log(' ');
var serialSum = sums.asumSerial(A);
var pairSum = sums.asumPair(A);
var kahanSum = sums.asumKahan(A);
var trueSum = n / 10;
console.log('True value: ' + trueSum);
console.log('Serial error: ' + Math.abs(trueSum - serialSum));
console.log('Pairwise error: ' + Math.abs(trueSum - pairSum));
console.log('Kahan error: ' + Math.abs(trueSum - kahanSum));
'async': false
function recursiveSum (x, start, steps) {
if (steps === 1) {
return[x.offset + start * x.stride[0]];
var n = Math.floor(steps / 2);
var m = steps - n;
return recursiveSum(x, start, n) + recursiveSum(x, start + n, m);
module.exports.asumSerial = function (x) {
var sum = 0;
var dx =;
var px = x.offset;
var ox = x.stride[0];
var i = x.shape[0];
while (i--) {
sum += dx[px];
px += ox;
return sum;
module.exports.asumPair = function (x) {
return recursiveSum(x, x.offset, x.shape[0]);
module.exports.asumKahan = function (x) {
var sum = 0.0;
var c = 0.0;
var i = x.shape[0];
var y = 0;
var t = 0;
while (i--) {
y = x.get(i) - c;
t = sum + y;
c = (t - sum) - y;
sum = t;
return sum;
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They always make a note that you must ensure the compiler doesn't optimize away the kahan summation. Can't imagine that's an issue here. Is the accuracy actually what's expected for kahan?

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tab58 commented Apr 15, 2016

I have yet to come up with a really good test to see if it finds error. Originally, I was trying to make it vary with large and small numbers both positive and negative. Later, I summed up 0.1 n times naively and with Kahan summation. The thinking was that the truncation error would reveal more about what's happening (still not sure if it's a good test though). For n > 100000, the Kahan result started to diverge away from the true value, but it was more accurate than pairwise summation and much more accurate than simple summation.

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There's more to untangle here, but seems like maybe the answer is just that function calls aren't that bad, but they're not that great either.

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