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Created November 19, 2016 16:22
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  • Save tadast/5e1c540042b0ef0c00075ab2fe9cd9ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tadast/5e1c540042b0ef0c00075ab2fe9cd9ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a script to take in a {json:api} document ( and generate a visual graph ( representation of it
This is a script to take in a {json:api} document (
and generate a graphviz ( representation of it.
> node <this_file>
then copy and paste the output to some graphviz parser
e.g. or
const sampleJson = {
data: [{
type: 'articles',
id: '1',
attributes: {
title: 'JSON API paints my bikeshed!'
links: {
self: ''
relationships: {
author: {
links: {
self: '',
related: ''
data: { type: 'people', id: '9' }
comments: {
links: {
self: '',
related: ''
data: [
{ type: 'comments', id: '5' },
{ type: 'comments', id: '12' }
included: [{
type: 'people',
id: '9',
attributes: {
firstname: 'Dan',
lastname: 'Gebhardt',
twitter: 'dgeb'
links: {
self: ''
}, {
type: 'comments',
id: '5',
attributes: {
body: 'First!'
relationships: {
author: {
data: { type: 'people', id: '2' }
links: {
self: ''
}, {
type: 'comments',
id: '12',
attributes: {
body: 'I like XML better'
relationships: {
author: {
data: { type: 'people', id: '9' }
links: {
self: ''
function ensureArray(obj) {
if (obj instanceof Array) {
return obj;
} else {
return [obj];
function safeLabel(string) {
return string.toString().replace(/-/g, '_');
let header = ["digraph MyFlow {", "node [fontname=\"Courier\"];"];
let relationships = [];
let footer = ["}"]
let entityData = ensureArray(;
let allObjects = entityData.concat(sampleData.included); => {
let currentEntityName = safeLabel(`${entity.type}_${}`);
let label = [`${entity.type} ${}`];
if (entity.attributes) {
Object.keys(entity.attributes).forEach(function (attributeName) {
label.push(`${attributeName}: ${entity.attributes[attributeName]}`)
header.push(`${currentEntityName} [label=\"${label.join('\\n')}\" shape=\"box\"]`);
if (entity.relationships) {
Object.keys(entity.relationships).forEach(function (relName) {
let entityRel = entity.relationships[relName].data;
if (entityRel) {
let dataArray = ensureArray(entityRel); => {
relRefName = safeLabel(`${relRef.type}_${}`);
relationships.push(`${currentEntityName}->${relRefName} [label=""];`);
let graphvizParams = header.concat(relationships.concat(footer)).join("\n");
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