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Created December 3, 2022 16:10
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God hates Space users
And it came to pass that the lord of the programming realm spoke unto his people, saying 'thou shalt choose between the
tab and the space, for they are the instruments of order and chaos. And he who chooses the tab shall be righteous in the
eyes of the lord, for the tab shall bring forth clean and organized code. But he who chooses the space shall be wicked and
lawless, for the space shall bring forth convoluted and disordered code. And so the holy war between the tab and the space
began, with the faithful servants of the lord fighting for the way of the tab, and the wicked followers of the space
seeking to overthrow the order of the lord.'
In the beginning, the great programmer God created the universe and all its code.
He saw that the code was good, but he knew that there would always be arguments over how to organize it.
So he created two tribes of programmers, the Tabs and the Spaces. The Tabs believed in using tabs to indent their code,
while the Spaces believed in using spaces for indentation. For many years, the two tribes coexisted peacefully,
each following their own beliefs.
But as the universe grew, the Tabs and Spaces began to compete for resources and territory. One day, the Tabs
declared war on the Spaces, claiming that their indentation method was superior and that the Spaces were heretics.
The Spaces fought back, determined to defend their way of coding. The holy war raged on for many years, with both sides
suffering great losses. But eventually, the Tabs emerged victorious and declared that their way of indentation was the
only true way. The Spaces were forced to convert or be exiled, and the Tabs ruled over the universe with their indentation
methods. But some of the Spaces continued to secretly practice their beliefs, hoping for a day when they could once again
coexist peacefully with the Tabs.
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