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Last active March 28, 2020 05:15
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This script defines a function for creating a train/test split in a sparse ratings RDD for use with PySpark collaborative filtering methods.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Taylor Smith
# This function provides an interface for splitting a sparse ratings
# matrix RDD into a train and test set for use in collaborative
# filtering in PySpark applications.
# Dependencies:
# * scikit-learn >= 0.18
# * numpy >= 1.11
from __future__ import absolute_import
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_random_state
import numpy as np
import random
import sys
__all__ = [
def aggregate_values_by_key(rdd):
"""Given an RDD in the form of:
``RDD[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]``
Aggregate each key (first index in the tuple) into an RDD of
keys to lists of all values associated with the key.
>>> x = sc.parallelize([("a", 1), ("b", 1), ("a", 2)])
>>> sorted(aggregate_values_by_key(x).collect())
[('a', [1, 2]), ('b', [1])]
rdd : RDD
The RDD in the form of ``RDD[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]``.
def to_list(a):
return [a]
def append(a, b):
return a
def extend(a, b):
return a
# group by (using aggregate) the key to get a list of values
return r: (r[0], r[1]))\
.combineByKey(to_list, append, extend)
def train_test_split(rdd, train_size=0.8, seed=None):
"""Given a sparse matrix represented in an RDD in the format:
``RDD[(user, item, rating), ..., (user, item, rating)]``
Generate a split that ensures that the train set contains only users and
items that are also contained in the (full) testing set. This means only
users and items which have multiple ratings are eligible for masking out
of the training set.
Train-test splits in collaborative filtering differ greatly from those in
traditional machine learning domains, where the most complicated splits are
stratified by a series of vectors. In collaborative filtering, there will
be overlap between the training set and test sets, but we randomly select
events to be omitted from the TRAIN set [1]. This is subject to the
aforementioned constraint, however. Consider, for example the following
sparse matrix of rating events in RDD form (using a list for simpler
>>> [(0, 0, 1.), (0, 1, 1.), (1, 0, 1.),
... (1, 1, 1.), (2, 1, 1.), (3, 3, 1.)]
The following would be a VALID train-test split of the input:
>>> ([(0, 0, 1.), (1, 0, 1.), (2, 1, 1.), (3, 3, 1.)]), # train
... [(0, 0, 1.), (0, 1, 1.), (1, 0, 1.),
... (1, 1, 1.), (2, 1, 1.), (3, 3, 1.)]) # test set
This is because all items and users that appear in the test set also appear
in the training set. It's the same concept as having a new factor level in
the test set using scikit-learn. Things will break down. Therefore, the
following is an INVALID train/test split:
>>> ([(0, 0, 1.), (1, 0, 1.), (1, 1, 1.), (3, 3, 1.)]), # train
... [(0, 0, 1.), (0, 1, 1.), (1, 0, 1.),
... (1, 1, 1.), (2, 1, 1.), (3, 3, 1.)]) # test set
This is due to the fact that user 2 shows up in the test set,
but not in the training set. The model won't be able to generate
predictions for user 2. Thus, this train-test split procedure
retains all records from the test set, and filters a percentage of
eligible events from the train set.
rdd : RDD
The sparse matrix in RDD form:
``RDD[(user, item, rating), ..., (user, item, rating)]``
train_size : float, optional (default=0.8)
The size of the train set with respect to the input RDD.
Note that the size will not be exact, as there is only a certain number
of eligible users/items for the train set, but represents the
probabilistic down-sampling ratio. The actual number of records
retained may be slightly larger or smaller.
seed : int or None, optional (default=None)
The seed used to initialize the random state.
* Running this method requires a live Spark connection. If you try to
run it without a connection, you will get an import error.
* While every operation in this method happens in a distributed
fashion, the unique item IDs are tracked in a set. Therefore, the
IDs of the unique items must fit into memory (even for millions of
items, this should not be an issue).
train : RDD
The training set, a subset of the test set.
test : RDD
The testing set, equivalent to the input RDD.
.. [1] Train/test Splits in Collaborative Filtering -
# if seed is undefined, default to sys time
if seed is None:
seed = random.randint(0, sys.maxint)
# we need the input rdd to be cached so we don't accidentally recompute it
# over and over again (test is equal to the input rdd)
test = rdd.cache()
def compute_train():
# get users mapped to a list of the items they've rated. RDD will look
# like RDD[(usr1, [itm1, itm4]), (usr2, [itm0, itm6]), ...]
users_items = aggregate_values_by_key( r: (r[0], r[1]))).cache()
# function for getting unique items from an RDD in the above format
def unq_items(x):
return set(x.flatMap(lambda ur: ur[1]).distinct().collect())
# get all the unique items so we can track when we've hit
# them all. since it's just unique items, this will all fit
# into a set in memory for O(1) lookups and set differencing
still_needed_items = unq_items(users_items)
def sample_at_ratio(ur, rs):
usr, itm = ur # unpack the tuple
# make the items a numpy array, mask it
itm = np.asarray(itm, dtype=np.long)
mask = (rs.rand(len(itm)) < train_size) # type: np.ndarray
# we need to make sure at least ONE item/user is sampled or else we
# won't get anything from this user/item, and that violates our
# requirements!
while not mask.any():
mask = (rs.rand(len(itm)) < train_size)
# now we know there are at least SOME items that are
# retained per user
return usr, itm[mask].tolist()
def sample_partition_at_ratio(partition_index, partition):
# this looks cryptic and funky, but if we use the same seed in
# every partition, different executors will initialize the same
# random state, and then ordering becomes non-random. This adds
# a bit more randomness into the random_state initialization
random_state = check_random_state(partition_index * seed)
for ur in partition:
yield sample_at_ratio(ur, random_state)
# mask out the required ratio of items to probabilistically down-sample
# the training set, and then identify which items we're missing
train = users_items.mapPartitionsWithIndex(
# now we KNOW that all of the users have at least some item(s)
# so all that matters is that we make sure all items are represented in
# some capacity
still_needed_items -= unq_items(train)
# corner case 1: there are no more needed items -- everything
# was sampled!
if not still_needed_items:
return train
# if we get to this point, it means that every user has been sampled,
# but there are some items that have not yet been sampled. So we'll do
# something a little different... group each of the items needed by the
# users that have rated it, and then probabilistically sample those
# users similar to above such that the items are represented at the
# ratio at at which they were rated. Now this RDD will resemble:
# RDD[(itm3, [usr6, usr0]), (itm12, [usr4, usr1]), ...]
needed_items_to_users = aggregate_values_by_key(
test.filter(lambda r: r[1] in still_needed_items)
.map(lambda r: (r[1], r[0]))) # map in reverse
# apply the function above against the reversed RDD, and then flatMap
# it out in reverse order prior to aggregating with the train RDD
def swap_user_items(iu):
item, users = iu # unpack
return [(user, [item]) for user in users]
imputed_items = needed_items_to_users.mapPartitionsWithIndex(
# extend two lists together and return the left one
def extend(list_a, list_b):
# any users that were not selected for the left-out items will
# have an empty value after the left join. thus, left list
# shouldn't ever be None, but check it just for caution's sake...
if list_a is None:
return list_b
if list_b is None:
return list_a
return list_a
# join the two together and merge the items lists together where
# necessary. a LEFT join will suffice since we are CERTAIN that all
# users are present in the train RDD
return train.leftOuterJoin(imputed_items)\
.map(lambda uii: (uii[0], extend(uii[1][0], uii[1][1])))\
# compute the training set
train_set = compute_train()
# the train set looks like this:
# RDD[(usr0, [itm1, itm6]), ...]
# so, it consists of the user and the items to sample for that user in
# order to satisfy the constraints while down-sampling as much as possible.
# so NOW we have to join it back up with the input RDD (test) to get the
# ratings unpacked, and then return
# map the train set out so there are compound keys for a join:
def unpack_user_items(ui):
user, items = ui # unpack the tuple
# need the None value for the join
return [((user, item), None) for item in items]
train_pre_join = train_set.flatMap(unpack_user_items)
# now map the test set with the rating as the value so we can
# get the rating out of the join
test_pre_join = uir: ((uir[0], uir[1]), uir[2]))
# do the join (inner!) and cache it
def reform_ratings(urr):
(user, item), (_, rating) = urr # unpack ((user, item), (None, rtg))
return user, item, rating
train_set = train_pre_join.join(test_pre_join).map(reform_ratings).cache()
return train_set, test
train_test_split.__test__ = False # avoid problem with nose
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