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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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r plot.zoo animated construction with svg+js using vivus.js

Another quick example of animated chart construction in R using vivus.js and SVGAnnotation. This time we use a plot.zoo chart as our source.

Also, see this first simple example.


Code is here.

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id = "rplot"
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"new Vivus('rplot',{type: 'delayed',start:'autostart',delay:0,duration:500})"
#"new Vivus('rplot',{type: 'oneByOne',start:'autostart',delay:0,duration:500})"
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,script = "vivus.min.js"
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# rCharts:::publish_.gist(
# description = "r plot.zoo animated construction with svg+js using vivus.js"
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