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Last active August 26, 2020 14:10
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in-terminal timer shell script
# script to create timer in terminal
# Jason Atwood
# 2013/6/22
# start up
echo "starting timer script ..."
sleep 1 # seconds
# get input from user
read -p "Timer for how many minutes?" -e DURATION
DURATION=$(( $DURATION*60 )) # convert minutes to seconds
# get start time
START=$(date +%s)
# infinite loop
while [ -1 ]; do
clear # clear window
# do math
NOW=$(date +%s) # get time now in seconds
DIF=$(( $NOW-$START )) # compute diff in seconds
ELAPSE=$(( $DURATION-$DIF )) # compute elapsed time in seconds
MINS=$(( $ELAPSE/60 )) # convert to minutes... (dumps remainder from division)
SECS=$(( $ELAPSE - ($MINS*60) )) # ... and seconds
# conditional
if [ $MINS == 0 ] && [ $SECS == 0 ] # if mins = 0 and secs = 0 (i.e. if time expired)
then # blink screen
for i in `seq 1 180`; # for i = 1:180 (i.e. 180 seconds)
clear # flash on
setterm -term linux -back red -fore white # use setterm to change background color
echo "00:00 " # extra tabs for visibiltiy
sleep 0.5
clear # flash off
setterm -term linux -default # clear setterm changes from above
echo "00:00" # (i.e. go back to white text on black background)
sleep 0.5
done # end for loop
break # end script
else # else, time is not expired
echo "$MINS:$SECS" # display time
sleep 1 # sleep 1 second
fi # end if
done # end while loop
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Worked immediately on OSX in iTerm. Thank you!

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Can you add options to the end time to play music? PLEASE.

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