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Created February 12, 2019 13:20
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Strips Markdown from Text - PHP port of
function strip_markdown( $md = '', $options = [] ) {
// char to insert instead of stripped list leaders (default: '')
$options['listUnicodeChar'] = isset( $options['listUnicodeChar'] ) ? $options['listUnicodeChar'] : false;
// strip list leaders (default: true)
$options['stripListLeaders'] = isset( $options['stripListLeaders'] ) ? $options['stripListLeaders'] : true;
// support GitHub-Flavored Markdown (default: true)
$options['gfm'] = isset( $options['gfm'] ) ? $options['gfm'] : true;
// replace images with alt-text, if present (default: true)
$options['useImgAltText'] = isset( $options['useImgAltText'] ) ? $options['useImgAltText'] : true;
$output = $md;
$output = preg_replace( '/^(-\s*?|\*\s*?|_\s*?){3,}\s*$/m', '', $output );
try {
if( $options['stripListLeaders'] ) {
if( $options['listUnicodeChar'] ) {
$output = preg_replace( '/^([\s\t]*)([\*\-\+]|\d+\.)\s+/m', $options['listUnicodeChar'].' $1', $output );
else {
$output = preg_replace( '/^([\s\t]*)([\*\-\+]|\d+\.)\s+/m', '$1', $output );
if( $options['gfm'] ) {
// Header
$output = preg_replace( '/\n={2,}/', '\n', $output );
// Fenced codeblocks
$output = preg_replace( '/~{3}.*\n/', '', $output );
// Strikethrough
$output = preg_replace( '/~~/', '', $output );
// Fenced codeblocks
$output = preg_replace( '/`{3}.*\n/', '', $output );
// Remove HTML tags
$output = preg_replace( '/<[^>]*>/', '', $output );
// Remove setext-style headers
$output = preg_replace( '/^[=\-]{2,}\s*$/', '', $output );
// Remove footnotes?
$output = preg_replace( '/\[\^.+?\](\: .*?$)?/', '', $output );
$output = preg_replace( '/\s{0,2}\[.*?\]: .*?$/', '', $output );
// Remove images
$output = preg_replace( '/\!\[(.*?)\][\[\(].*?[\]\)]/', ( $options['useImgAltText'] ? '$1' : '' ), $output );
// Remove inline links
$output = preg_replace( '/\[(.*?)\][\[\(].*?[\]\)]/', '$1', $output );
// Remove blockquotes
$output = preg_replace( '/^\s{0,3}>\s?/', '', $output );
// Remove reference-style links?
$output = preg_replace( '/^\s{1,2}\[(.*?)\]: (\S+)( ".*?")?\s*$/', '', $output );
// Remove atx-style headers
$output = preg_replace( '/^(\n)?\s{0,}#{1,6}\s+| {0,}(\n)?\s{0,}#{0,} {0,}(\n)?\s{0,}$/m', '$1$2$3', $output );
// Remove emphasis (repeat the line to remove double emphasis)
$output = preg_replace( '/([\*_]{1,3})(\S.*?\S{0,1})\1/', '$2', $output );
$output = preg_replace( '/([\*_]{1,3})(\S.*?\S{0,1})\1/', '$2', $output );
// Remove code blocks
$output = preg_replace( '/(`{3,})(.*?)\1/m', '$2', $output );
// Remove inline code
$output = preg_replace( '/`(.+?)`/', '$1', $output );
// Replace two or more newlines with exactly two? Not entirely sure this belongs here...
$output = preg_replace( '/\n{2,}/', '\n\n', $output );
catch( Exception $e ) {
return $md;
return $output;
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tobsn commented Feb 12, 2019

feel free to clone and use - give credit to

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