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Created December 22, 2018 09:57
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Vue Typescript Component with all properties sorted to vue spec
import { Vue, Component, Model, Prop, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'
delimiters: ['{{', '}}'],
comments: false,
components: null,
directives: null,
filters: null,
inheritAttrs: true,
export default class RouletteBar extends Vue {
// Interface
@Model('change', { type: Boolean }) checked!: boolean
@Prop(Number) propA!: number
// Local State
dataA = 'foo'
get computedA() {
return 'foo'
// Events
onChildChanged(newValue: string, oldValue: string) { }
beforeCreate() { }
created() { }
beforeMount() { }
mounted() { }
beforeUpdate() { }
updated() { }
activated() { }
deactivated() { }
beforeDestroy() { }
destroyed() { }
// Non-Reactive Properties
methodA() { }
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