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Forked from ian29/ed-popup.html
Created January 19, 2012 18:07
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<div class='header clearfix'>
<h2 class='type-school'>{{{schnam}}}</h2>
<span class='county'>{{{leanm}}}<span class='state'>, {{{stnam}}}</state></span>
<div class='graduation grade-{{{grade}}}'>Graduation Rate <span class="rate up">{{{pct_gradrate09}}}</span></div>
<th class='first'>Grade 12</th>
<th class='historical'>2007 - 2008</th>
<th class='historical'>2008 - 2009</th>
<th>2009 - 2010</th>
<th>2009 District avg</th>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_read12_0708}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_read12_0809}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_math12_0708}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_math12_0809}}}</td>
<th class='first'>Grade 8</th>
<th class='historical'>2007 - 2008</th>
<th class='historical'>2008 - 2009</th>
<th>2009 - 2010</th>
<th>2009 District avg</th>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_read08_0708}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_read08_0809}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_math08_0708}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_math08_0809}}}</td>
<th class='first'>Grade 4</th>
<th class='historical'>2007 - 2008</th>
<th class='historical'>2008 - 2009</th>
<th>2009 - 2010</th>
<th>2009 District avg</th>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_read04_0708}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_read04_0809}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_math04_0708}}}</td>
<td class='historical'>{{{all_math04_0809}}}</td>
<small>District averages reflect on 2009 data</small>
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