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Debug log for RimWorld MultiPlayer Kitchen Sink Reloaded v0.7 ModPack play testing

Rimworld Multiplayer Kitchen Sink Reloaded

v0.7 desync log sleuthing

Suggested Changes for v0.8

These might be the easiest to remove with minimal loss of playability.

  • remove [SYR] more slaves as it is an unknown quantity (and [SYR] harvest yield seemed to cause desyncs)
  • remove Grenade Fix Rearmed as it is an unknown quantity (and thought we saw some odd error messages on GZ using EMP)
  • remove Fluffy Breakdowns as it is an unkown quantity (might be fine, i'm on the fence on this one)
  • remove Time of Day Switches as the MPCompat patch seems old rwmt/Multiplayer-Compatibility#434
  • disable Search and Destroy from the Tacticowl mod (but leave it installed as it is a set of 3x mods)


I'm on the fence about these and might have repurcussions to removing (due to items / wildlife already in game?).

  • Witcher Monster Hunter?? MPCompat does not seem to support it despite supposedly requiring it? this modpack uses sargoskar.witcherhunt (this maybe patched via vanilla expanded framework?????)
  • Performance Optimizer?? it is MPCompat patched, but it doesn't support async time (which we don't use)... hard to say...
  • Invisible Conduit?? 1.3 used to be xml and was compait, but this version now has a DLL and is an unknown quantity. other modpacks use Conduit Deconstruct along with Underground/Subsurface Conduit mods)
  • [SYR] Door Matts - other MP modpacks both use "Door Matts" - - maybe worth swapping out by using dev mode on save to delete existing matts? FilthTracker desync below??

Leave it

While these are unknown, my hunch is they are okay.

  • Medicines+ 1.4 - i used cherry picker to remove the drug and hediff that was cuasing errors... maybe okay? also might already have items in our world..
  • research pal - my guess is it is fine to use for just selecting and queing up research.. should be easy to catch related errors when using its menus.
  • holy washer - i saw a mod report on multiplayer discord suggesting it is fine, but it wasn't set to 4 in the spreadsheet. also i've tested it before a bit and seemed okay.
  • faction control - should be fine, and besides it is mostly to do with world gen and we already have a world so might break to remove. could be related to random desync issues creating new odd factions raids / caravans who knows.

host traces

12 total desync trace signature totals by type for john and malki v0.7 from host_traces log file. (Tick_Patch3 occurs along with some of the others except for one)

  • 01 x RimWorld.Pawn_MeleeVerbs.ChooseMeleeVerb
  • 03 x RimWorld.Pawn_FilthTracker.RimWorld.Pawn_FilthTracker.Notify_EnteredNewCell_Patch1
  • 02 x Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker.Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker.EndCurrentJob_Patch5
  • 04 x Verse.Rand.MTBEventOccurs
  • 01 x Verse.Messages.Verse.Messages.Message_Patch2 (string,Verse.LookTargets,Verse.MessageTypeDef,bool)
  • 07 x Verse.Pawn.Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch3 (Tick_Patch3 occurs along with some of the others except for one)

local traces

12 total desync trace signatures for the local_traces. What happened on this tick diverges. Not sure if the host or local trace is the "right one" so to speak or just exactly how/when they diverge...

  • 01 x RimWorld.RCellFinder.RandomWanderDestFor
  • 03 x HediffGiver_RandomAgeCurved.OnIntervalPassed (likely ubergarm casting age spells which forces a reroll due to out of bound bio vs chrono age?)
  • 01 x RimWorld.TaleRecorder.RecordTale
  • 03 x RimWorld.Pawn_FilthTracker.RimWorld.Pawn_FilthTracker.Notify_EnteredNewCell_Patch1
  • 02 x Verse.Messages.Verse.Messages.Message_Patch2 (string,Verse.LookTargets,Verse.MessageTypeDef,bool)
  • 01 x RimWorld.InspirationHandler.CheckStartRandomInspiration
  • 09 x Verse.Pawn.Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch3 (Tick_Patch3 occurs along with some of the others except for one)

Client Player log files

Seems to be littered with the same "normal-ish looking" debug messages uncorrelated to happening before desyncs.

Though this one happened twice and seemed to be spamming the logs so much it disabled them once:

Exception filling tab RimWorld.ITab_Storage: System.Exception: Thing filter context already set!^M
    at Multiplayer.Client.ThingFilterMarkers.set_DrawnThingFilter (Multiplayer.API.ThingFilterContext value) [0x00016] in <d797d547⟩
    at Multiplayer.Client.ThingFilterMarkers.TabStorageFillTab_Prefix (RimWorld.ITab_Storage __instance) [0x00061] in <d797d5473e81⟩
    at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.ITab_Storage.RimWorld.ITab_Storage.FillTab_Patch4(RimWorld.ITab_Storage)^M
    at Verse.InspectTabBase+<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<DoTabGUI>b__0 () [0x00039] in <cd7169108ea74757aa50c5b33d275c15>:0  ^M

Could be related to ubergarm having menus go blank after attempting to create/assign a clothing list to my pawn maybe (only my logs had this error)

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