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Last active March 27, 2024 07:33
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Dijsktra's shortest-path algorithm in Clojure
(require '[ :refer [priority-map]])
(defn map-vals [m f]
(into {} (for [[k v] m] [k (f v)])))
(defn remove-keys [m pred]
(select-keys m (filter (complement pred) (keys m))))
(defn dijkstra
"Computes single-source shortest path distances in a directed graph.
Given a node n, (f n) should return a map with the successors of n as keys
and their (non-negative) distance from n as vals.
Returns a map from nodes to their distance from start."
[start f]
(loop [q (priority-map start 0) r {}]
(if-let [[v d] (peek q)]
(let [dist (-> (f v) (remove-keys r) (map-vals (partial + d)))]
(recur (merge-with min (pop q) dist) (assoc r v d)))
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