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Created November 24, 2017 14:27
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library(ggsci) # for cool palettes
# read data
my_data <- read.csv("data/chickengrowthdiet.csv")
# Diet should not be numeric but factor (or categorical)
my_data$Diet <- factor(my_data$Diet)
# -------------------------------------
# make plot 1
# -------------------------------------
our_plot_1 <-
ggplot(data = my_data,
aes(x = Time,
y = weight,
fill = Diet,
color = Diet)) +
# add the points
geom_point(shape = 1, cex = 1, alpha = 0.7, position = "jitter") +
# add CI ribbon and the fit lines
geom_smooth(method='loess', size = 1) + # or method='loess'
# set axis labels
labs(x = "Days",
y = "Weight (g)") +
theme_bw(base_size = 10) # base font size
# theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) # eliminate grids
# display the plot
# save the plot as PDF
ggsave(filename = "chicks_loess_default_col.pdf",
plot = our_plot_1,
width = 15,
height = 10,
units = "cm",
scale = 1)
# -------------------------------------
# plot 2
# -------------------------------------
our_plot_2 <-
ggplot(data = my_data,
aes(x = Time,
y = weight,
color = Diet)) +
# add the points
geom_point(shape = 1, cex = 1, alpha = 0.7, position = "jitter") +
# add CI ribbon and the fit lines
geom_smooth(method='loess', size = 1, alpha = 0.2) + # or method='loess'
scale_color_npg() +
# set axis labels
labs(x = "Days",
y = "Weight (g)") +
theme_bw(base_size = 10) # base font size
# theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) # eliminate grids
# display the plot
# save the plot as PDF
ggsave(filename = "chicks_loess_npg.pdf",
plot = our_plot_2,
width = 15,
height = 10,
units = "cm",
scale = 1)
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