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closest geodesic distance with doParallel and foreach - example
# Example of using foreach parallel loop
# This should work both on Linux and Windows without any modifications.
# for an interesting intro, check:
# Prepare cluster
FractionCores=0.7 # fraction of cores to use
numCores <- round(FractCores * parallel::detectCores())
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numCores)
res <-
i = 1:length(PLdt_SPdf_NA),
.combine = rbind, # how to combine results (the default is a list)
.multicombine = TRUE, # if .combine = rbind (above) then .multicombine defaults to TRUE anyway (so redundant here)
.packages = c("geosphere"), # packages to load during parallel execution. This should be done even if you call geosphere::dist2Line below
.options.multicore = list(preschedule=FALSE) # load balancing (only if needed, default is TRUE)
) %dopar%
geosphere::dist2Line(p = PLdt_SPdf_NA[i,],
line =,
distfun = distHaversine)
# if you have multiple operations here, it will return only the last assigned variable
# Note the fact that the foreach() loop returns object(s), so assign the foreach to a variable name like res <- foreach(...),
# otherwise you'll lost the results
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