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Created November 15, 2017 22:48
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# =============
# === Setup ===
# =============
# install packages
# import the doAzureParallel library and its dependencies
# set your credentials
# Create your cluster if not exist
cluster <- makeCluster("cluster.json")
# register your parallel backend
# check that your workers are up
# ======================================
# === Monte Carlo Pricing Simulation ===
# ======================================
# set the parameters for the monte carlo simulation
mean_change = 1.001
volatility = 0.01
opening_price = 100
# define a new function to simulate closing prices
getClosingPrice <- function() {
days <- 1825 # ~ 5 years
movement <- rnorm(days, mean=mean_change, sd=volatility)
path <- cumprod(c(opening_price, movement))
closingPrice <- path[days]
start_s <- Sys.time()
# Run 10,000 simulations in series
closingPrices_s <- foreach(i = 1:10, .combine='c') %do% {
replicate(1000, getClosingPrice())
end_s <- Sys.time()
# plot the 50 closing prices in a histogram to show the distribution of outcomes
# Estimate runtime for 10 million
difftime(end_s, start_s)
1000 * difftime(end_s, start_s, unit = "min")
# Run 10 million simulations with doAzureParallel
# We will run 100 iterations where each iteration executes 100000 simulations
opt <- list(chunkSize = 2) # optimizie runtime
start_p <- Sys.time()
closingPrices_p <- foreach(i = 1:100, .combine='c', = opt) %dopar% {
replicate(100000, getClosingPrice())
end_p <- Sys.time()
difftime(end_p, start_p, unit = "min")
# plot the 10 million closing prices in a histogram to show the distribution of outcomes
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