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Forked from erodewald/
Created June 28, 2016 14:05
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Reverse proxy on Windows with Apache 2.4 for Couchpotato/Sonarr


  1. Any version of Windows newer than XP or Server 2003.
  2. A good text editor. I recommend Sublime Text 2.
  3. If you use Sublime Text, you can get very helpful syntax highlighting while editing Apache Conf files by installing Package Control. Once fully installed and SublimeText is restarted, CTRL+SHIFT+P -> Install Package -> ApachConf (enter).
  4. This assumes you have a public domain pointing to your WAN IP. Figure that out from If you purchase a domain and use a CNAME or A-record, it can take some time for the DNS changes to propagate. I've seen anywhere from 15 mins to several hours.
  5. Within your router, you must forward port 80 to your LAN IP which hosts Apache.

###Install Apache 2.4 on Windows

  1. Download Apache for Windows. Since Apache only distributes source code, implementations can differ based on who you get it from. I chose Apache Lounge because some other versions include php, mySQL, and they just aren't necessary for such a simple task.
  2. Install VC11 Redistributables x86/x64.
  3. Download the Apache binary appropriate for your OS: x86 or x64.
  4. Extract to your root OS directory, i.e. C:\, so the directory structure looks like C:\Apache24\bin

###Configure Apache 2.4 to listen on your desired port

  1. NOTE: At any time, you can check your conf syntax by opening an elevated command prompt, CDing to C:\Apach24\bin, then executing httpd -t.
  2. In your command prompt, within Apache24\bin, execute httpd -k install to install the Apache service.
  3. NOTE: You will have to stop and start this service often. From the cmd prompt: net start apache2.4, or net stop apache2.4.
  4. Alternatively, just paste this into the elevated command prompt. net stop apache2.4 && net start apache2.4
  5. Save this file as restart_apache.bat on your desktop or something. Right click, properties.
  6. Open Apache24\conf\httpd.conf in your favorite text editor.
  7. If you want to choose something other than port 80 for HTTP traffic, set your listen port. CTRL+F for Listen
  8. CTRL+F for ServerName. Uncomment the line by deleting the '#', and set the value to either your chosen domain or IP address.
  9. Start the service and point your browser to localhost. It should report back "It works!".
  10. CTRL+F for mod_proxy. Uncomment the lines: proxy_module, proxy_http_module.
  11. CTRL+F for mod_vhost. Uncomment this line.
  12. CTRL+F for Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf. Uncomment this line.
  13. Save the file.

###Configure virtual hosts

  1. Open Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf in a text editor. This is where we'll define your reverse proxy configurations.

  2. If this virtual host differs from the main configuration found in httpd.conf, you can define them per virtual host.

  3. This is a default HTTP server configuration:

     <VirtualHost *:80>
         DocumentRoot "C:/Apache24/htdocs"
         ErrorLog "logs/"
         CustomLog "logs/" common
         ProxyRequests Off
         ProxyPreserveHost Off
         <Proxy *>
             Order deny,allow
             Allow from all
         <Location /sonarr>
             ProxyPass        http://localhost:8989/sonarr connectiontimeout=5 timeout=300
             ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8989/sonarr
         <Location /couchpotato>
             ProxyPass        http://localhost:5050/couchpotato connectiontimeout=5 timeout=300
             ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5050/couchpotato
  4. Save the file and execute httpd -t again to test your configuration syntax.

  5. Pull up your instance of Couchpotato and go to the general settings (show advanced settings) and set your Url base to couchpotato. Restart Couchpotato from the cog.

  6. Pull up your instance of Sonarr and go to Settings -> General -> Url Base and set it to /sonarr, or whatever you changed it to in your vhost. Restart Sonarr from System.

  7. Restart the Apache service.

  8. You should be able to access them respectively from and

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