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Created December 15, 2017 21:31
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Testing nested for loops with foreach
# The idea I'm trying to test is if I can nest a parallel
# for loop inside another parallel for loop.
# The following does open up 4 cores with the first loop
# and opens an additional 3 cores with the second. I see
# seven running at one time, the four are turned off then
# 3 are turned off.
# I'm not sure if this is truly 7 parallel cores or if it's
# 4 then 3 sequentially.
# Create two big datasets
dat1 <- data.frame(a = rnorm(1e7), b = sample(letters, 1e7, T))
dat2 <- data.frame(y = rnorm(1e7), z = sample(letters, 1e7, T))
# Create a list where the first three elements have a chunk
# of dataset 1 and the last element is all of dataset 2
N <- 3
chunks <- split(dat1, sample(1:N, nrow(dat1), replace=T))
chunks[[4]] <- dat2
cl <- makeCluster(4)
# The idea is that the outer for loop processes the
# four pieces of the list and the inner loop will
# process the fourth element of the list (dataset 2)
# using multiple cores
res <- foreach(i = 1:(4))%dopar%{
# This line is just to do something that takes
# time so I can see the cores open
junk <- data.frame(a = rnorm(1e7), b = sample(letters, 1e7, T))
dat <- chunks[[i]]
newdat <- head(dat)
# send this dataset off in a new parallel process
newdat<- f()
# Here's the function that is the inner for loop
f <- function(){
cl <- makeCluster(3)
# Here is the second parallel for loop
inner_res <- foreach(i = 1:(N+1), .combine = 'c')%dopar%{
# again, this code is just to make it take long
# enough to see what's happening
junk <- data.frame(a = rnorm(1e7), b = sample(letters, 1e7, T))
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