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Created March 4, 2019 15:49
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#! /usr/bin/env python
Take an input netcdf database and extract particle information, converting to
vtu format for input into ParaView.
Usage exampe:
./ -f
Phillip Wolfram
from pyevtk.vtk import VtkGroup
from pyevtk.hl import pointsToVTK
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
import os
import pdb
def cleanup(data):
if type(data) ==[data.mask] = data.fill_value
data =
return data
def build_particle_file(fname_in, fname_outbase):
Take existing netCDF4 input f_in and produce
vtu files for f_outbase with all the particle data
Phillip Wolfram
## initialize the starting points
fullpath = fname_in.split(os.sep)
# don't want to place this in starting directory
#g = VtkGroup(os.sep.join(fullpath[:-1]) + '/' + fname_outbase + '_' + os.path.splitext(fullpath[-1])[0] )
g = VtkGroup(fname_outbase + '_' + os.path.splitext(fullpath[-1])[0] )
# load the netCDF database
## get time
#time = 0.0
# open the database
f_in = netCDF4.Dataset(fname_in, 'r')
# num particles and data frames
Npoints = len(f_in.dimensions['nParticles'])
Ntime = len(f_in.dimensions['Time'])
# initialize empty dictionary
particleData = dict()
for t in np.arange(Ntime):
# get the points locations
#x = f_in.variables['xParticle'][t] #+ f_in.variables['zLevelParticle'][t]
#y = f_in.variables['yParticle'][t] #+ f_in.variables['zLevelParticle'][t]
#z = f_in.variables['zParticle'][t] #+ f_in.variables['zLevelParticle'][t]
x = f_in.variables['xParticle'][t]
y = f_in.variables['yParticle'][t]
z = f_in.variables['zParticle'][t]
print t
print np.vstack((x,y,z)).T
particleType = f_in.variables['xParticle'].dimensions
particleTypeStatic = f_in.variables['indexToParticleID'].dimensions
# get particle data
for v in f_in.variables:
dim = f_in.variables[v].dimensions
if dim == particleType:
particleData[str(v)] = cleanup(f_in.variables[v][t])
if dim == particleTypeStatic:
particleData[str(v)] = cleanup(f_in.variables[v][:])
#print particleData
# set the new time (just use index for simplicity for now)
time = 2*t
#time = ''.join(f_in.variables['xtime'][t,0,:]).replace(' ','')
# file name
#f_out = fname_outbase + '_' + os.path.splitext(fname_in)[0] + '_' + str(t)
f_out = fname_outbase + '_' + os.path.splitext(fullpath[-1])[0] + '_' + str(t)
# output file
pointsToVTK(f_out, x, y, z, data = particleData)
# make sure the file is added to the time vector
g.addFile(filepath = f_out + '.vtu', sim_time = time)
# save the animation file
if __name__ == "__main__":
from optparse import OptionParser
# Get command line parameters
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="inputfilename",
help="file to open for appending \
particle data 'particle_' extension",
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="outputfilename",
help="output file name base for export to *.vtu \
file which stores particle data",
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if not options.inputfilename:
parser.error("Input filename is a required input.")
if not options.outputfilename:
parser.error("Output filename base for vtu files is required input.")
build_particle_file(options.inputfilename, options.outputfilename)
# vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python
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